Back In theaters: Daft Punk’s groundbreaking anime musical “Interstella 5555” will receive a global theatrical release in 4K on December 12, accompanied by special edition vinyl releases. NME reports that the one-night-only event brings the 2003 collaboration with legendary anime creator Leiji Matsumoto to over 800 cinemas worldwide.
Global Scale Unveiled: Anime News Network reports that the remastered film will screen across 40 countries, from major markets like the United States and United Kingdom to emerging territories including Malaysia and Uruguay. The release marks the first time many fans can experience the full visual companion to Daft Punk’s “Discovery” album in theaters.
- Over 800 theaters participating worldwide
- Select venues offer extended screenings through December 15
Collector’s Items Launch: Following the theatrical event, Daft Punk will release the “Discovery: INTERSTELLA 5555 Edition” album featuring original Japanese artwork and exclusive merchandise. The release includes three variants:
- 5555 numbered gold vinyl editions
- 5555 numbered CDs
- 25,000 black vinyl copies
Cultural Impact Continues: The film, which tells the story of an alien band’s abduction by sinister forces, represents a unique fusion of French electronic music and Japanese animation. The screening includes bonus content featuring music videos directed by acclaimed filmmakers Spike Jonze and Michel Gondry. Daft Punk is always doing something cool. Remember that Daft Punk Lego set?